About Us

We are a diverse, spiritual community committed to compassion, social justice and freedom to think and learn. We come together to support each other’s personal search for meaning, drawing on secular wisdom and many faith traditions.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Paris (UUFP) was formally established in 1985 as one of the centers in Europe of a worldwide liberal religion open to diversity of thought and belief.

How often do we meet?  We hold a Sunday service once per month September-June led by visiting ministers from around Europe and North America, or members of the congregation. We also have groups that meet on a regular basis for workshops, small group ministries, meditation, and social events.

Are our activities in English or French?  Our events and activities are held in English, but many members speak French.

What do you offer for children? We have Religious Education programming for children which focuses on values, not dogma, and runs concurrently with our Sunday service. Learn more here

Greater UU connections  We participate with the European Unitarian Universalists, or EUU, to host a family-friendly retreat twice a year. The retreat features a theme speaker, children’s programming and adult workshops along with fun activities to get to know kindred spirits from around the continent.

We are also a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in the United States.

As with most UU communities, we enjoy fellowship with members and friends who have a multitude of beliefs and faith traditions. You’ll find participants with Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, as well as Atheist and Agnostic identities seeking meaningful connection in a welcoming community. All we ask of our members is respect for each other’s understanding. Membership is voluntary and does not require renouncing other religious affiliations or practices.