Giving to UUFP

Thanks to the gracious donations of our members and friends, UUFP is able to provide services, workshops, and speakers as well as give back to worthy organizations and causes. You can read more on our Social Action page. 

Financial Donation

If you would like to give a financial donation, you can do so via PayPal. Please click the Donate button below and you will be forwarded to Paypal where you can enter the amount you’d like to give and pay either with a credit card or through a PayPal account.

Donate in Euros

Donate in US Dollars

** If you are a French tax-paying resident, you can deduct up to 66% of your donation from your French taxes. We will send you a tax receipt within the year for your records.

If you would like more information on how to donate through other channels (check or bank transfer), you can contact our Treasurer by emailing


We are also very appreciative of those who can give their time! We are always in need of volunteers to help with various tasks ranging from set-up and greeting at our Sunday services, providing refreshments, organizing a happy hour or circle supper,  to more administrative duties and leadership roles on our Executive Committee.

If you are interested in giving your time or want more information on how to volunteer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!