Annual Pledge Drive

As we continue our annual pledge drive, there is now the option to give your pledge online!

Simply click the button below and enter the amount you would like to pledge. You can pay either by credit card or a Paypal account. Kindly include the note “Pledge” in the Add Comment/Ajouter une remarque as you are completing the fields.

Donate in Euros

Donate in US Dollars

About our 2019-2020 Pledge Drive

Our pledge drive allows our fellowship to appreciate what we have done in the past year, and to think about what is coming in the near future.

Without our annual pledge drive, UUFP would not have been able to cover our expenses and donations last year. Your generous pledges help our fellowship expand its activities, and all contributions big or small are greatly appreciated!

For our services to happen, UUFP must cover rent, the visiting minister’s honorarium, the Religious Education teachers, and the wonderful musicians. On average each service costs 800€ while we collect on average 200€ per service.

In the past financial year, 30 individuals or family households contributed a sum of 7,500€ to the pledge drive. UUFP also collected a total of 2,200€ over the course of last year’s services.

This past year we had several exciting speakers such as Daniel Costley, Art Lester, Lara Fuchs, Carol Bodeau, Christopher Lamb, Chris Buice, Carrie Landfried, and our own Dave Frey.

Last spring we held a very interesting UU Fellowship development workshop . called “Living into our Vision” led by Lara Fuchs, and an educational interactive workshop about UU Basics led by Dorcy Erlandson.

UUFP also held other events outside of our monthly services and workshops: one celebrating Black History Month with Sarah Valinsky, and another entitled “Darwin: between Science and Religion” by Christiane Silliau.

UUFP’s social justice projects in the past year included participating in La Maison Verte’s rummage sales, children’s Toy Drive, and “La Clairiere”. UUFP also organized a benefit concert for La Maison Verte with over 100 attendees, raising 1000€ in donations and contributions. Our September service offertory plus an additional UUFP donation allowed us to give 500€ to Mobile’douche.

When considering the year’s pledge drive, please remember you may be able to deduct 66% of your pledge from your French taxes. Those who pledge more than 100€ will receive a subscription to the quarterly UU World Magazine.